I say that these people are in low economics because of the choices they make. The government gives people money to keep having babies. More babies mean more money.
The government also gives money to people of low economics for education.
Therefore, on one side of the fence you have those that want the government to support them because they are just to damn lazy to work, these people are parasites that just feed off the system.
On the other side of the fence are the people that use the system as is intended. They get an education and they pull themselves out of this low economic cesspool. They become hardworking, proud, and give back to their communities.
I have been to the shelters here in Shreveport and these people are being fed, clothed and cleaned up after.
What seems to keep surprising me is that the refugees that are not staying in a shelter but in a hotel or with a relative are coming in to where I work and using our services to revamp their resumes. These people are not wasting any time looking for a job.
The people in the shelters seem content with getting the free stuff.
I am no longer willing to volunteer my time at a place where a majority of the people will not help themselves. I am now volunteering at a local church.